Learn how to control Fruit Flies

Authored by Dan Huie

Small flies are a particularly annoying occurrence each summer. Recently, while setting up a new commercial client, I was reminded of just how pesky these little guys can be.

The most common small fly, bothersome to most of us during the summer, is the fruit fly. There is no mistaking their annoying flight, hovering over your food, sink or garbage. It seems that in no time you go from zero to dozens of the creatures, and nothing seems to help. No wonder, since the adults are capable of reproduction within a week. In no time at all they are capable of reaching several hundred. Many clients hope that we can wave a magic wand and just make them go away. And, while that is true in a limited number of cases, the reality is that controlling small flies is a partnership between the pest control company and the home or business.

In some rare cases pesticide may be required, however, the real trick is in the inspection and sanitization. The breeding site must be located and eliminated in order to control the population. Garbage cans, recycle bins, produce stored out of a cooler, fallen foods that contain moisture, drip pans, taps, anything that contains moisture with organic matter must be evaluated. A good pest control technician will search out these areas for you and even clean them.

Most commonly fruit flies are brought home as tiny eggs on produce. In some regard, you cannot avoid them. But with thorough inspection and sanitation, you will enjoy your summer produce much, much more.

Dan Huie is the Vice President and Chief Operations Officer of United Pest Solutions, Inc. Located in the Bellevue area of Washington state, Mr. Huie has sixteen years of experience with professional pest control involving Human Resource and Pest Management Professional Training. He is extensively involved with the Washington State Pest Management Association (WSPMA) and the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).