Pest Prevention for Commercial Buildings

Seal Off Entry Points

Pests typically get indoors by crawling through small gaps or cracks, which are usually located along a building’s foundation or around doors and windows. Sealing off these entry points is a great way to keep insects, rodents, and other pests out of your property.

However, even the tiniest crack may be large enough for something to get through. It can be very difficult and time consuming to identify and close off all entry points. To ensure your space is properly protected, it’s best to work with a pest control expert who can perform a thorough inspection of your building.

Perform Regular Maintenance

Keeping up on your building’s maintenance is a great way to prevent pests from entering or settling into your property. Common problems like worn-out roofing or damaged weather stripping could create entry points for insects and rodents. Leaky plumbing and moisture issues could also attract various pests. Performing regular maintenance not only keeps your building looking great, but it also prevents infestations from taking root.

Trim Back Your Landscaping

Thick landscaping attracts pests and provides shelter for them to hide in. If there are lots of trees, shrubs, and bushes situated right up against your building, it may be a good idea to trim back your landscaping a little. Doing so will keep pests farther away from your building, which also prevents them from seeking shelter indoors.

Properly Store Trash

Especially if you are in the food industry, it’s crucial to properly dispose of your trash in lidded receptacles that are placed as far from your building as possible. Leaving food waste out in the open could attract all sorts of pests and wildlife to your property, which brings you one step closer to a full-blown infestation.

Hire a Professional

Infestations can be damaging to business and difficult to eradicate, which is why it’s important for companies to focus on pest prevention. However, protecting a commercial space can be a challenging and tedious process, especially if your property is large or has multiple buildings.

Thankfully, you don’t have to manage it all alone! A pest control professional can inspect your space and implement a customized plan that will protect your business from infestations. If you need great commercial pest control services, United Pest Solutions has you covered! We have served businesses throughout the greater Bellevue WA area for over 60 years in industries ranging from restaurants to healthcare. For unparalleled pest control services, contact our team today!

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